Karen Wicker, founder and president and CEO of Candor, a marketing and communications firm, recommends keeping the blue light out of the bedroom, following the Empire State Building’s Twitter feed and listening to music endorsed by her DJ daughter.
Where do you get your news first? My day begins before sunrise with a quick scan of client Google alerts and a peek at the Oklahoman and Tulsa World headlines. After monitoring local news, I switch to the Washington Post and Twitter. I also catch up on current events while exercising and watching the Today show before heading to my work or home office.
What app do you open first in the morning? For health reasons, I keep my mobile devices out of the bedroom so the blue light does not disturb my sleep. Immediately upon waking, I go to my home office to check my email and work Slack channels. In the PR and crisis business, you have to be prepared to respond to anything that happened overnight.
What newsletter always gets clicked open? I’m a sucker for The Daily Skimm. The writers describe world news in digestible and relatable nuggets, often making me laugh even when the topics are serious. Locally, NonDoc’s Monday Minute helps me stay on top of what’s happening at 23rd and Lincoln during legislative session.
What podcast do we need to be listening to? I love podcasts and listen to them frequently. I’m fascinated with Revolution Health Radio with Chris Kressler, a functional medicine expert who explores alternative ways to stay healthy and young. I also enjoy The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes and mobituaries with Mo Rocca. Here in Oklahoma, I recommend listening to Craig Groeschel’s leadership podcast and #RUNtoREMEMBER, which features compelling stories from the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon.
What social accounts should we be following? I asked my trusted colleagues for their recommendation. They say the Washington Post TikTok is an excellent example of how to produce compelling content for today’s consumer. They also enjoy following the Empire State Building on Twitter. Personally, my all-time favorite social accounts are Candor’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok!
What music should we add to our playlist right now? After just watching the Grammys, I plan to add Samara Joy to my playlist. She’s an up-and-coming young jazz singer who just won Best New Artist. Other favorites include bluegrass singer Allison Krauss, any singer from the 1980s and whatever new artist my DJ daughter is playing. She keeps me relevant!
What books are making you think? At the beginning of 2023, I gifted everyone at Candor a copy of Smart Brevity. It’s a fascinating read on how to communicate succinctly in today’s chaotic world. I’m also currently reading the book Who – a New York Times bestseller about the art and science of making smart hires, which is so important in today’s workforce.
Is there any other media you consume that we’ve missed? I’m a faithful viewer of CBS Sunday Morning (the theme song is even my ring tone) because it explores topics and people I may not normally encounter. I also like to catch the first few minutes of Face the Nation each week to stay abreast of political and world issues.
What role does media literacy play in business? Critical thinking is vital to every single industry; however, news media (both traditional and social) is fractured. As a nation, we’ve got to do a better job of filtering fake news and honoring truth in journalism. This is why it’s so important to combat false information by redirecting readers and followers to accurate sources. It’s also critical for communication professionals to follow the news so they can strategically guide their brand.
How do you ensure you remain media literate? I’ve always been a voracious consumer of media. It all began as a child when my father would read the newspaper out loud to me at the kitchen table. As a former television journalist, I can’t imagine a world where I would not keep up with media or media trends. For example, I was an early adopter of TikTok. I like to try new things so I can understand where people are coming from and what information they are consuming.