Stories of Sunday in a Saturday World - 405 Magazine

Stories of Sunday in a Saturday World

  Every year, Christians all over the world come together for a week in April in honor of an ancient, sacred story.

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Every year, Christians all over the world come together for a week in April in honor of an ancient, sacred story. This year is no exception, but it is quite different. Where normally worshipers would find comfort in crowded church services, families celebrate independently in the safety of their homes. Faith leaders, from the pulpit of Zoom and Facebook Live, tell the story of the resurrection of Jesus. 

In the age of COVID-19, stories — and their tellers — have an important role to play in shaping not only the way history looks back on this time, but in the direction humanity takes through it. 

Join 405 Magazine in June for a look at Oklahoma’s storytellers. Conversations with Alyx Picard Davis, soon-to-be executive director of deadCenter Film festival, and Rachel Jackson, Cherokee citizen and OU professor, explore the meaning and significance of stories in times of crisis, and how the storytelling community has come together.