That's the News - 405 Magazine

That's the News

The term “raconteur” generally connotes someone charming, dapper, debonair…

May 8, OKC Civic Center,, 297.2264
The term “raconteur” generally connotes someone charming, dapper, debonair… Garrison Keillor is a simple dresser (save for his preferred red sneakers) with a stolid presence and a voice that tends to range between phlegmatic and downright soporific. But as a storyteller, he’s a pure artist; veering from gentle hilarity to sublime poignance and imbuing his small-town subjects with universal emotional impact – the alternating frenzy and boredom of childhood, the persistent panic of adolescence, the wistful acceptance of advancing years and the constant, quiet struggle to embrace the prayer “Thank you, dear God, for this good life, and forgive us if we do not love it enough.” Expect a quiet week in Oklahoma City as Stillwater station KOSU presents “An Evening With Garrison Keillor.”