The Faces of Criminal Defense - Jacqui Ford Law - 405 Magazine

The Faces of Criminal Defense – Jacqui Ford Law

Most people never expect to find themselves in need of a criminal defense attorney.

Faces of the 405

Most people never expect to find themselves in need of a criminal defense attorney. But if they do, trial attorney Jacqui Ford said her job is to help them figure out how they got there, and plan a course for the future.

“Anyone can be wrongly accused of a felony, but behind every face, there’s a story,” Ford says. “Understanding the story of how someone got to that point helps me map a path forward. We can’t change yesterday, but we have millions of opportunities for today and tomorrow.”

Ford noted the success of her practice is directly related to the contribution of her team, which includes attorney Casey Davis and legal assistant Jennifer Reser. The team also includes a full-time investigator with 20 years of law enforcement experience. 

“Everybody in the room plays a part in understanding our clients and their perspectives. We all take ownership of what we do for our clients and we’re proud to do it,” she says. “Our core values are honesty, courage and compassion, and that is part of everything we do.”

While Ford said she’ll always fight for justice for her clients, she also believes that helping repair the damage that’s already been done – without causing further harm – is an important part of every case. After all, if you burn everything down, she said, everyone gets burned.

“People know that having me represent you means you’re serious about your defense. I’m not here to win at any cost, but I will hold the courts, the prosecutors and law enforcement to the highest standards of accountability,” Ford says. “I’m always here to help those who’ve fallen get back up. There’s nothing else I’d rather be doing.” 

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