We’re bouncing back: In 2021, individual giving was up 4.9 percent from 2020 to $337 billion; foundation giving shot up 3.4 percent to north of $90 billion, and corporations kicked in $21 billion, which was an increase of 23.8 percent from the dark days of 2020, all according to national philanthropy reporting.
Giving is woven into the fabric of our country, and while Oklahoma ranks in the middle with the amount we give (coming in at No. 22 on American Endowment Foundation’s Charitable Giving Rank), we do boast many significant charitable corporations and foundations giving millions each year to improve our state.
The Purpose & Impact Awards celebrate those companies, leaders and organizations who make significant contributions to the greater social good in our region. We selected these winners after a month-long nomination process from our readers and through conversations with Oklahoma City leaders working in corporate giving, foundations and nonprofit organizations.
Financial contributions are just a tangible measure of giving back. Many others are the hands and feet of change – giving second chance employment, a place to stay for the night or needed skill-building training. And, whatever the mission, the results are the same: Those recognized with these awards are and will continue working to build a better, stronger community for all.
Outstanding Purpose-Led Leader: Jill Castilla
Outstanding Purpose-Led Business (Large): Love’s Travel Stops
Outstanding Purpose-Led Business (Small): B&H Construction
Outstanding Purpose-Led Nonprofit (Large): Homeless Alliance
Nonprofit Leadership Excellence (Large): Michael Myers
Outstanding Leadership Excellence Nonprofit (Small): Scotia Moore
Outstanding Purpose-Led Nonprofit (Small): Restore OKC
Outstanding Nonprofit Innovation: Oklahoma City Repertory Theater
Living Legends: Nancy Anthony, Cathy O’Connor, Roy Williams