5th Annual Oklahoma Women in Aviation & Aerospace Day - 405 Magazine

5th Annual Oklahoma Women in Aviation & Aerospace Day

Organizations within the aviation and aerospace industry recently celebrated the state’s fifth-annual Oklahoma Women in Aviation & Aerospace Day.

Organizations within the aviation and aerospace industry recently celebrated the state’s fifth-annual Oklahoma Women in Aviation & Aerospace Day.

The annual Oklahoma Women  in  Aviation  &  Aerospace  Day  celebrated  Oklahoma’s women  aviators  and  advocated  for  young  girls and  women to pursue aviation. “As  Oklahoma’s  second-largest  and  fastest-growing  industry,  aviation  has  a  significant impact  on  the  lives  of  our  citizens,”  said  Grayson Ardies,  Oklahoma  State  director  of  aeronautics. “This  annual  event  is  a  unique  opportunity  to gather  Oklahoma  military,  aerospace  companies, private  and  commercial  pilots,  airport  managers, municipal  officials,  drone  pilots,  educators,  flying  clubs  and  the  many  users  of  the  Oklahoma Airport  System  to  discuss  Oklahoma’s  strong aviation  heritage  and  how  the  industry  continues  to  solidify  our  state  as  a  worldwide  leader  in aviation,  aerospace and defense.”