Allied Arts approved more than $160,000 in grants to 25 local arts nonprofits through its Educational Outreach and Capacity-Building grant programs.
Inclusive of this latest grant cycle, Allied Arts grantmaking exceeds more than $2.6 million this fiscal year, supporting the operations, programming and outreach of more than 40 arts groups in central Oklahoma.
“With a mission of Enriching Lives Through Advancement of the Arts, Allied Arts is committed to enhancing access to vital arts education for youth statewide,” said Deborah McAuliffe Senner, Allied Arts president and CEO. “When a low-income child receives financial aid to enroll in a school break theatre camp or benefits from weekly, personalized music lessons, that student gains incredible, impactful experiences that open his eyes to what is possible and that can change the course of his life forever.”
The Educational Outreach program supports initiatives that deliver arts activities to K-12 Oklahoma youth and other population segments in schools, libraries, community centers, art centers and remotely.
The Allied Arts Capacity-Building program provides assistance to nonprofit arts and cultural agencies as they work to strengthen organizational infrastructure through technology improvements, professional development, artist support and long-range planning.
“It is only with the generosity of our community partners that Allied Arts can support these worthwhile and important art programs,” said Mims Talton, Allied Arts grants chair. “Allied Arts stewards our donor investments using a thorough review process to evaluate the viability and effectiveness of the grant requests and the sustainability of the requesting organizations. Furthermore, approved organizations are required to submit evaluation reports demonstrating project success.”
The comprehensive list of awards can be found at, as well as the eligibility requirements. All qualified cultural nonprofits are invited to apply; the next grant deadline is August 12.