At the Bar: Bar Arbolada

At the Bar: Bar Arbolada

However raw the weather is, concoctions such as the beer-infused Short and Stout or restorative Hot Cachawty make a trip to Main Street Arcade jewel Bar Arbolada worthwhile.


If it takes something special to get you out of the house on these winter nights, Bar Arbolada at 637 W Main is still very much worth a trip. It’s a great space; even the angled front door is perfectly placed, because it gives entering customers the best possible first view of the high ceiling, zigzag tile and veined marble bar at once.

Their cachaça chamomile toddy – the Hot Cachawty, it’s called – is completely perfect for raw weather and slightly sore throats. It’s built around barrel-aged Leblon cachaça, mixed with hot water, lemon and chamomile syrup for a fragrant, revivifying beverage that’s a pleasure to nurse.

Less restorative, but even more delicious, is the Short and Stout: Old Forester bourbon and Cynar balanced with black walnut bitters and honey, then topped with foam from shaken-up stout and finished with a flicker of orange zest. The citrus aroma and slight infusion of beer give it a rewarding depth and complexity. You’re going to want to taste it with every part of your mouth and linger over each sip.

Accompanied by a few snacks, such as the pot of spicy pimento cheese with a loaf of local sourdough, the Bar Arbolada bounty makes a welcome reason to come in from the cold.