Ballet Ball - 405 Magazine

Ballet Ball

The Oklahoma City Ballet's annual gala broke its auction records with a Western theme.

The Oklahoma City Ballet’s annual gala broke its auction records with a Western theme.

Oklahoma City Ballet presented Ballet Ball: The New West at the Omni Hotel on April 1. Co-chaired by Kylee Claire Rainbolt and Bailey Gordon, the gala welcomed more than 500 attendees in Western-inspired evening wear. The event included cocktails, a seated dinner, dancing and a live auction, and the highlight of the evening was a special performance by the ballet’s professional dancers, featuring music by Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline and choreographed by artistic director Ryan Jolicoeur-Nye. The ball raised more than $425,000, which will fund initiatives including free community programs.

Photos by Kaitlin St. CYR Photography & Jana Carson

OKC Ballet co-chairs Bailey Gordon and Kylee C. Rainbolt withexecutive director Jo Lynne Jones and artistic director Ryan Jolicoeur-Nye
Mayor David Holt and Rachel Holt
Becky Johnson, Cindi Shelby, Linda Parduhn, Jennifer Upton and Lea Morgan
Barry Switzer and Meg Salyer
Mark McCoy, Lili McCoy, Laurie McCoy
Gary Brooks and Michelle Brooks
Tye Love, Emily Love, Autumn Klein and Michael Klein