I've Always Been A Big Believer In Bringing The Outside In. Whether it’s a huge fern for my antique French basket or fresh cut peonies in a clear glass vase, I love what fresh flowers and plants add to a home on the interior. Naturally, this is because I am such a fan of the great outdoors.
As a result, I also love outdoor living spaces … front porches with swings, back patio seating under a pergola – and don’t forget poolside. There’s nothing quite like a well-groomed, freshly cut lawn on a summer day, or a newly planted window box spilling over with English ivy and impatiens. Our brick patio is one of our favorite “living rooms,” and once summer arrives we use it a lot.
With that in mind, here are a few different ways to up the ante on those outdoor living spaces with plants and flowers. Urns, fountains, pots and decorative glass are a great way to showcase spectacular foliage in and around them. The view is sure to be beautiful from the inside and out.
Blue and purple decorative glass pistils nestled in Boston ferns
from The GreenHouse, Norman
from The GreenHouse, Norman
Finial fountain from The Historic Charleston Collection with hostas from The GreenHouse, Norman
Oleander standard with wave petunia in an aqua roll top planter
from Calvert’s, OKC
from Calvert’s, OKC
Purple blooming duranta repens tree with red mandevilla and purple scaevola in V-shaped planter from Calvert’s, OKC
Dasylirion longissimum, euphorbia “sticks of fire,” agave vilmoriniana and kalachoe thysifolia “fantastic” in contemporary square,
round and oval polycrete planters from Calvert’s, OKC
round and oval polycrete planters from Calvert’s, OKC
Yellow ixora and sweet potato vine (ipomea) in glazed atomic green and orange planters from Calvert’s, OKC