Randy Bradley, Jordan Advertising vice president and creative director, talks about the one newsletter that catches his eye, a lot of under-the-radar music to listen to and how having curiosity is sometimes better than thinking you have the answers.
Where do you get your news first?
I rely on an app called SmartNews. It can be programmed to notify me at whatever interval I want and can be customized to show me various types of news from different sources. In one app, I can look at local news, state and national news, industry specific news and sports news.
What app do you open first in the morning?
Usually, the weather app out of pure necessity. You can’t send the kids to school in the wrong clothes … again.
What newsletter always gets clicked open?
I don’t open many newsletters, but when I do, it is Creative Daily from Ad Age. I am always looking for inspiration, and I can always count on it having the latest and best advertising from around the globe.
What podcast do we need to be listening to?
Since I am a podcast junky, this list could get very long. I am currently listening to 50 podcasts, and probably average about three hours a day in listening time.
The Wizard of Ads: Great four-to-five-minute little gem of business/advertising information.
Everything is Alive: Very interesting and creatively stimulating Q&A podcast, from the perspective of an inanimate object.
The Soundtrack Show: A study on the soundtracks that you know and love and the influences that went into them.
Throughline: A historical timeline of how we got where we are on different subject matter.
The Dollop: A hysterically funny, yet often inappropriate, walk through the life of a person or event and the absurd choices that were made.
What social accounts should we be following?
Although I have a profile on practically every social platform, I only really follow my Instagram account.
Benjamin Trombone: @Ben_jamin_trombone. Cool kid who creates music with a combo of non-musical items and traditional instruments.
Allan Peters: @allanpeters. Talented identity and icon designer.
Jay Fletcher: @jpegfletcher. Another talented designer and illustrator.
Yao: @ggy0622. Colorist who has a very good eye for different cinematic looks.
Jon Foreman: @sculpttheworld. Sculptor who finds natural elements and arranges them into beautiful yet often temporary works of art.
Dima Tkachev: @dimaphew. Animator and hand-lettering artist who can do wonders with a pen and a tablet.
What music should we add to our playlist right now?
Rozes: Because who doesn’t need an upbeat pop sound led by a unique voice?
Banners: Every once in a while, you find a voice and a band that you love every single song they put out, and this is one of those bands for me.
Stephen Sanchez: Although I like many of his songs, the one that got it started for me was “Until I Found You.” A throwback sound with electric guitar, Sanchez is a fresh take on a classic style.
Bronze Radio Return: Even though they have been around since 2013, they are a new find for me. A little pop and a little folk, but super melodic with a lead singer who cuts through with a unique and slightly nasal edge.
Doublecamp: For a band that has embraced the digital/Spotify age and only puts out singles, they have managed to only put out good ones, in my opinion.
Wrabel: I am a sucker for a great piano-driven pop band.
I could go on and on with people that I like to listen to – both mainstream, popular and not so much, but I will stop here with these last two that are outside the usual soundscape. These two make great work music when you want to let the music just play in the background and not interfere too much with your frontal lobe.
Pogo – much like his stage name implies – is super, super repetitive, like the bouncing of a pogo stick. Just when you get tired of one beat, he throws in a new sound and takes the song in a second, third and fourth direction. One thing he is known for is infusing all those trance inducing sounds with a touch of nostalgia, so don’t be surprised when you hear the words of one of your favorite movies being lodged into both the music and your head. Everything from Star Wars, Harry Potter, Disney classics and Stranger Things just to name a few.
Westerlies is a group that is mostly instrumental. Throw this on if you need background music and like the sound of horns.
What books are making you think?
The Fire Next Time – James Baldwin; Everything is Sacred – Richard Roar; The Tattooist of Auschwitz – Heather Morris.
How do you ensure you remain media literate?
I try to take in media from multiple sources and viewpoints. Vigorous conversation and hashing out concepts that feel uncomfortable with people who have a different perspective is always superior to having aggressive conversation with everyone agreeing on a subject. I am unafraid to be challenged with ideas, and I am also willing to sit with unanswered questions and wrestle with thoughts. At one time in my life, I felt the need to have the answers. Now, I feel like curiosity and a posture of learning is a better way.