While layering up all the patterns may be our daydream in overall home design, we find that in our culinary musings, fall beckons us toward comfort food and casseroles and the delicious possibilities in layering sauces and pastas, sliced homegrown vegetables with cheeses … and stacks of tiramisu. A nice baker or serving piece can make the presentation just as appealing as the meal itself, and we’ve got a tower of beautiful pieces to satisfy your craving.
From top to bottom:
Arthur Court Pyrex holder: Christmas Expressions, 2214 W Lindsey, Norman
Juliska baker: BC Clark, three locations, bcclark.com
Deep baker by Calaiso: Fanny Bolen Interiors, 2761 W Country Club, OKC, fannyboleninteriors.com
Wheat casserole serving piece by Michael Aram: Bebe’s, 6480 Avondale, OKC, shopbebes.com
Beatriz Ball Vento Pyrex casserole holder: BC Clark, three locations, bcclark.com
Cavernoso casserole by Jan Barboglio: Bebe’s, 6480 Avondale, OKC, shopbebes.com