Local Artist Spotlight: Faye Miller - 405 Magazine

Local Artist Spotlight: Faye Miller

In Faye Miller's intricate landscapes, it seems no detail is overlooked.

Photo by Lexi Hoebing

In Faye Miller’s intricate landscapes, it seems no detail is overlooked. A rainbow of dots, dashes and designs creates a scene where everything in nature gets its due respect. The blades of grass, the rays of sun, the slopes of hills, even the movement of wind — each is thoughtfully depicted and brought to life through her art.

“Lately, I have been thinking about memory of place and depicting that in my paintings,” Miller said. “Sometimes this idea of memory comes across as a specific place, but more often I find myself working on intuition and the emotions and feelings of place memories … I try to create little vignettes of worlds that people can self-identify with. While my pieces are not entirely devoid of representation, there is also a lot of room for individual interpretations.”

Photo by Lexi Hoebing

The land-loving themes of Miller’s paintings can be attributed to her upbringing, interests and education. She graduated from Oklahoma State University with a bachelor’s in landscape architecture and a minor in studio art.

“I grew up in a highly creative household,” Miller said. “My mother was an artist, and my father is an abstract mathematician, both of which require a similar level of creative thinking. When I went to college, I knew that I was interested in incorporating arts and design into my plan.”

Miller says her work evolved from pen and ink land- scapes, “using cellular anatomy,” to a different and more simplified mark making that lends itself to work- ing in color.

Photo by Lexi Hoebing

“Being an artist is wonderful because there is so much room to experiment. There aren’t rules set in place, and deciding to spend time experimenting can lead to wildly interesting places,” Miller said.

People can view and purchase Miller’s landscapes and other works on Instagram @faye_miller_art and on The Art Hall website. She is also engaged in the Factory Obscura artist community. Their latest project, titled “Synesthesia” will be featured at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art in Norman this summer.

“I feel an inherent need to create art,” Miller said. “There is a great release that comes from letting go and refocusing on something outside of daily life. With the pieces I am working on now I feel this even more greatly, because there is an emotional release from memories with each vignette that I complete.”