My Daily Media Diet - 405 Magazine

My Daily Media Diet

Scott Klososky is the founding partner of Future Point of View, a technology and cybersecurity firm in Oklahoma City he created with his wife 20 years ago.

Scott Klososky is the founding partner of Future Point of View, a technology and cybersecurity firm in Oklahoma City he created with his wife 20 years ago. He lobbies for why the ’70s classics are still the best, but he makes use of virtual reality to take walks all over the world.

Where do you get your news first? I get my news from the Flipboard digital magazines I have configured. Flipboard lets anyone create “magazines” and assign topics to them. This way, I can create one just for AI and go select sources for AI content that they curate. It is pretty easy to do.

What app do you open first in the morning? The Calm app, for meditation and gratefulness. I have been using the Calm app for almost three years. I open it first because it has an option to put in three things I am grateful for, how I slept, how I feel and a thought of the day. I find that starting out this way helps to get me grounded in a positive mindset right off the bat.

What newsletter always gets clicked open? The Download by MIT. It is the best single source of curated technology news.

What podcast do we need to be listening to? Philosophize This. It is the best podcast I have ever seen that explains 2,000 years of philosophers and their ideas. I found it by searching on Apple Podcasts for “philosophy.” I tried some others and did not like them as much. It is often how I find the right podcasts for me to learn from. I have been listening to it for about two years. It has taken that long to listen to all 170 episodes. 

What social accounts or platforms should we be following? LinkedIn for me. I have it curated with connections at this point, so it is filled with information and ideas on topics I care about — and none that I don’t.

What music should we add to our playlist right now? I am entranced by the Apple Music ’70s channel. No, it is not because I was a kid back then; it is just some of the best music we have created!

What books are making you think? Dr. Mark Rego wrote a book titled “Frontal Fatigue,” and it is the best I have seen to explain what modern life and technology is doing to our brains.

Is there any other media you consume that we’ve missed? I use VR to watch concerts or walk through places in the world I have not seen before. I love the potential of this going forward.

What role does media literacy play in business?  I think in terms of the “river of information” we each build. Some of us do this on purpose and have a high literacy rate for consuming information. Some do not. To be a strong leader, one must have a well-cultivated river of information and the ability to consume it each day. Without this, there is critical information a leader will simply miss each day.

How do you ensure you remain media literate? I put a lot of conscious effort into this. I do it on purpose and constantly look for new and better sources. I am disciplined about spending a couple of hours a day consuming my river of information.