The OCCF grants are part of the Community Foundation’s Parks & Public Space Initiative, a program that has invested more than $4.7 million in the community to encourage central Oklahoma residents to enjoy parks and other public areas.
The Oklahoma City Community Foundation is distributing more than $200,000 to support 19 organizations focused on the beautification, development and activation of neighborhood parks, trails, schools and public spaces. The grants are part of the Community Foundation’s Parks & Public Space Initiative, a program that has invested more than $4.7 million in the community to encourage central Oklahoma residents to enjoy parks and other public areas.
“Twelve of the nineteen organizations are first-time grant recipients,” said Trisha Finnegan, Oklahoma City Community Foundation President and CEO. “We are proud to ensure our support is reaching more of our friends and neighbors across OKC. Funding Oklahoma City’s parks and public spaces is an effective, affordable way for people to connect, exercise, and enjoy nature. Not only do our beautiful parks improve the quality of life of the people who use them, they improve air quality, water quality and our overall health, which is why we have invested significantly over the last two decades.”
One grant recipient, the Olde Capitol Hill Council, Inc., plans to use their grant not just for neighborhood improvement but also as a tool to bring people together to assist in implementing the project.
“This grant will fund updates to streetscape beds with indigenous, drought-tolerant plant material and sustainable mulch,” said Gloria Torres, Executive Director of the Olde Capitol Hill Council. “We’ll use volunteers from the surrounding neighborhoods to assist in the installation and maintenance of the new plant material so our friends and neighbors can be involved in enhancing the Capitol Hill District.”
Grants provided through the Community Foundation’s Parks & Public Space Initiative include:
- Asian District Cultural Association – Military Park Shade & Windbreak Enhancements, $3,000
- Camp Fire Heart of Oklahoma – Camp DaKaNi Wildflower Plot & Pollinator Garden | $8,500
- City of Del City – Del City Welcome Signs | $6,000
- City of Yukon – Yukon Trails & Parks Tree Canopy Project | $15,000
- Edgemere Park Preservation, Inc. – Shade the Park at Edgemere | $8,000
- First Serve OKC Foundation – Pitts Park Shade Structure | $4,000
- Friends of Will Rogers Gardens Foundation – Memory Garden Shade Structure Completion | $8,000
- Historical Preservation, Inc. – Heritage Hills 2023 Tree Planting & Beautification | $6,000
- Lakehurst Homeowners Association – Right of Way Beautification | $10,000
- Lillian Timber Farms – Eastside Garden Beautification and Upgrade | $9,000
- Love Grow Live Center, Inc. – plant material for Diggs Park | $8,500
- Miller Neighborhood Association – Trees for Miller Neighborhood Median Beautification | $5,200
- Myriad Gardens Foundation – Enlarge & Revitalize Mixed Borders that Face Sheridan Avenue | $15,000
- NewView Oklahoma Inc. – NewView Walking Path, Garden & Wellness Space for people with low-vision | $19,000
- Olde Capitol Hill Council, Inc. – Calle Dos Cinco Landscape Beautification | $20,000
- Portland Avenue Baptist Church – Portland Avenue Baptist Church Tree Project | $9,350
- Putnam Heights Preservation Area – 36th Beautification | $10,500
- Scissortail Park Foundation – Wildflower Hill at Scissortail Park | $25,000
- Thompson Woodland Burr Oaks Neighborhood – Beautification of Woodland Park | $13,000
This OCCF initiative grew out of the Margaret Annis Boys Trust, which was established through a gift from Miss Boys’ estate in 1991 to support and encourage landscaping and beautification projects in parks, medians and other public lands in Oklahoma City. Grant awards will vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. In addition to funding, Oklahoma City Community Foundation staff will provide project expertise.