I Have Always Loved The Idea Of A Thing’s Miniature Form.
I adore tea sandwiches and petits fours and tartlets (otherwise known as high tea). Decorating in vignettes (French for “little scene”) is a favorite, as well. This love of all things small spills over into my love of flowers. A small vase with tiny blooms or a big bloom surrounded by smaller ones are definitely a go-to for flower arrangements around my home. Even a single bloom in a vase can be beautiful.
One advantage to smaller arrangements is that you can use unusual vessels to hold the flowers. It might be a special creamer, a goblet or just a tiny bud vase. Sometimes it’s the container that inspires the arrangement. Perhaps a tiny milk glass or silver urn is the way to go.
This month I share a few examples of these “micro” bloom arrangements. And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one of my favorite holidays that doesn’t get much attention: May Day. On May 1, May Day is celebrated in many different ways all over the world.
My favorite version is the tradition of putting together a little arrangement of fresh flowers and leaving them on a friend’s doorstep. Anonymously or not, it doesn’t matter. The thought and the small effort will make anyone’s day special. What a way to ring in such a beautiful month.
Happy May {Day} to you!