The Heart of the Hearth - 405 Magazine

The Heart of the Hearth

Bread is life. For several millennia, bread has formed much of the basis of the human diet. Bread is an ancient art form and a nutritional staple, but it is more – it is a cornerstone of culture, of society.

Bread is life. For several millennia, bread has formed much of the basis of the human diet. Bread is an ancient art form and a nutritional staple, but it is more – it is a cornerstone of culture, of society. It is no accident many religions incorporate the use of bread into their rituals and observances. It is in every corner of the world, with too many forms to count.

But in the modern age, many have come to accept the lifeless loaf in the plastic wrapper on the supermarket shelf as the only example of what bread can be.

Café 501 is out to disprove the supermarket notions of bread. The 501 Rustic Bread – which its creators call “bread with a soul” – is an artisan creation available at both Edmond and Classen Curve locations. The Café 501 team made a culture in November 2010 and have maintained it as a starter for the bread ever since.

A loaf of 501 Rustic Bread slices open to a moistness not often found in modern breads, with a taste and texture that lives somewhere between bread, sponge cake and tangy custard. This manna is redefining the art of bread in Oklahoma. 

The Café 501 crew offers a few tips for enjoying the 501 Rustic Bread:

  »  Using a serrated knife, slice the bread down the middle on a cutting board
  »  Place bread cut-side down and slice into one-inch-thick slices
  »  Toast bread in a toaster or oven
  »  Spread real butter or olive oil on the bread and sprinkle with a bit of Kosher salt