While some believe it’s a cliche to give flowers – especially roses – on Valentine’s Day, ask any florist or floral department: They’re winners. It’s also a great time to have them around the house, especially if you plan to cook a traditional Valentine’s Day dinner at home.
Giving yourself the gift of flowers is something I highly endorse. An abundance of roses can make the most idyllic table decor. Which table? Any! The dining table for that special dinner, a side table, coffee table, even the entry table. I love to have a big arrangement for dinner, then the next day, break it up into smaller ones you can spread around the home; especially roses with unique, vibrant colors.
Although each rose color has a variety of definitions, parting with convention and going with what is pretty and unusual is key. Red roses may be favored, and while they’re traditional, who can say no to a classic?
However, if you want to add a little surprise, venture beyond the traditional. Lavender, pink, yellow, white, orange … the choices are as varied as a rain-kissed rainbow. Consider a combination of colors, because monochromatic isn’t always the answer. Let your interiors be your guide. Ask yourself: What color complements your home’s color scheme?
The vase or vessel the flowers go in a can provide a distinctive twist. Most florists will either have unique containers for you to choose from or, if you ask, they will let you bring in a favorite one from home. If you are buying flowers you plan to arrange yourself, here are a few simple things to remember: Remove leaves from the lower part of the stem going into the water. Cut stems before you put them in water. Add the “flower food” provided in a small package that should accompany your bouquet. You can make a tight arrangement by cutting the stems so the buds are just over the rim of the container, or leave them longer for a looser arrangement.
Finally, flowers around this time of the year don’t have to be relegated to just your “love interest.” It’s always nice to get flowers from someone, whether it’s friends, families or even coworkers. Putting a little extra effort into the selection shows it comes from the heart. This also means giving yourself flowers on occasion, even as a form of self-care. Everyone can use some of that.