All Tied Up in Style - 405 Magazine

All Tied Up in Style

Fashionable men’s neckties and bow ties as accessories for Father’s Day and beyond.


Is talking about ties with Father’s Day on the horizon an original idea? No – but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. There’s no better time to think about fine neckwear, and they’re a sure thing for a gift idea. The tie is like a blank canvas just waiting to express its wearer’s personal style or absorb the next trend, whether a certain color or design – pin dot, foulard, medallion and more. This traditional accessory, while ubiquitous, can make a huge statement. Whether the man makes the suit or the suit makes the man, the tie definitely has its role to play.

All ties from Q Clothier, OKC

Bow ties by The Hill-Side from Trade Men’s Wares, OKC

OKC Ties by Robert Talbot from Spencer Stone Co.