Pat Rothfuss and the Oklahoma Writer’s Federation - 405 Magazine

Pat Rothfuss and the Oklahoma Writer’s Federation

Revive, strive and thrive with like-minded readers and writers at the 45th annual Oklahoma Writer’s Federation Inc.

Revive, strive and thrive with like-minded readers and writers
at the 45th annual Oklahoma Writer’s Federation Inc. Conference May 2-4

Hundreds and thousands of avid readers will be making their way to Embassy Suites Norman for the awards banquet, autograph party and poetry slam, interspersed with workshops, assistance from “book doctor” Cindy Davis, sessions for pitching ideas to agents and editors and plenty of speakers. The lineup of guests includes local favorites like Tammi Sauer and Jordan Dane, as well as not-so-local favorites like Yup’ik storyteller Jack Dalton from Alaska and Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame novelist Jodi Thomas, currently writer-in-residence at West Texas A&M. It’s all capped off by keynote speaker Patrick Rothfuss, whose most recent novel, “The Wise Man’s Fear,” hit No. 1 on the New York Times Best Sellers list, and whose appearance in Norman will probably be even better than him using that time to finish the Kingkiller Chronicle trilogy already. Visit for more details.