What do you think of when you hear phrases such as “Lovers Creep” or “Stockholm Syndrome”? Scary movie titles, maybe? Hopefully not the bios of your friends’ social media accounts … or yours! They’re actually the names of fingernail polish – and who wouldn’t want to be in that think tank?
This fall, the colors – apart from the names – are anything but scary. Rich hues of gray, deep red, purple and blue are in abundance and an ideal way to spruce yourself up with a splash of attitude. You’ll love the Smith and Cult family of hues, available at Balliets – the collection seen here includes
(from left to right in front) Doe My Dear, Feed the Rich, Dark Like Me, No Poem, Stockholm Syndrome, Lovers Creep and Dirty Baby. Go find your perfect color or three; just don’t try running the results down a chalkboard. That would be scary.