Spring Fling - 405 Magazine

Spring Fling

Spring is here! Well, almost. Whether the weather is ready or not, it’s by no means too soon to greet the new season with fresh accents for rejuvenated interior design.

And so it begins … spring. No matter what the temperature is outside, Google tells us that spring officially begins on March 20. Around that same time most schools will observe spring break. With all this talk of spring, why not make it look that way on the inside, even if the outside isn’t cooperating?

How do you evoke spring? Easy. Bring the outside in. Figuratively speaking, that is. Use spring embellishments in your home. Flowers are a logical choice, either fresh or faux. Highlighting the natural colors of spring, from sky blue to fresh cut green, is also a good way to bring in the season. Whimsical accent pieces for the home convey a feeling on the lighter side of things, as well.

From hot air balloons to tulips in vases, here’s to finding something to put a spring in your step … and in your home.