Simple or extravagant, it really is true to moms that it is more about the thought than the gift. Mother’s Day is an opportunity to really think about what that gift should be, and going the extra mile on the meaning can go a long way. Something that communicates your knowledge of something she loves, but would never buy herself, is always a treat. Giving something that shows you know what she likes, even if it is just an everyday kind of thing, is equally special.
Giving just a little extra thought this year will be what makes it count.
Cayman’s, 2001 W Main, Norman,; Café Disco, 629 W Main, OKC, café; The Flower Shop, 1440 N Porter, Norman,; Twinkle Apothecary, 3 NW 9th, OKC,; Christmas Expressions, 2214 W Lindsey, Norman