October 26, Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club, 7000 NW Grand Blvd, OKC, 278.8944, alliedartsokc.com
Fully 20 of the region’s most prominent creative organizations receive funding through the work of Allied Arts, and uncounted thousands of Oklahomans benefit aesthetically and spiritually from that central agency. So when it announces the return of its single greatest fundraiser – one that is only held every two years – prepare for an event that truly dazzles. Given the colorful appellation “Party WOW!,” OPUS VII offers patrons an extensive buffet of gourmet food and drinks, live music from the riotously delightful Pink Flamingos, the chance to claim a trove of treasures via auction and the knowledge that, as co-chair Mark Funke puts it, “the contributions they made have a real, widespread impact throughout our community.”